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How to take care of your Skin after a Cosmetic Surgery Procedure

by Rishabh
Bariatric Treatment in India

With a great emphasis given to a person’s looks in today’s modern world, cosmetic surgery is increasingly being adopted by today’s youngsters for that amazing and attractive presence. With its beauty benefits notwithstanding, cosmetic surgery is vital too in many other medicinal and reconstruction procedures.

Nevertheless, whatever the case may be one needs to take special care of their skin immediately and in the first few days of any such procedure.

Cosmetic Surgery Procedure

However, any such advice on taking care of your skin will depend upon what kind of cosmetic procedure you have chosen for yourself. But in any case, one must consult with their doctors or aesthetician prior to adopting any recovery prescription for themselves.

Cosmetic Procedure: Types

There are different kinds of cosmetic procedures and they vary in range, from mild processes to invasive surgical procedures including eyes-lifts and face-lifts. It hardly needs any mention that a mild procedure will heal quickly while a more elaborate, surgical process, which involved injury to the skin will take much more time.

Any cosmetic procedure can be divided into two types-one that leaves the skin intact, the other that leaves the skin with open wounds.

Procedures that leaves the skin intact are:

  1. Non-ablative laser resurfacing procedures
  2. Microdermabrasion
  3. Fillers or Botox
  4. Mild Chemical Peels

Procedures that leaves the skin with open wounds are:

  1. Ablative laser resurfacing treatments
  2. Deep Chemical Peels
  3. Surgical procedures such as facelifts, eyelift and rhinoplasty.

Four Principal Rules of Skin Care for the Recovery after Cosmetic Surgery

  1. Be extra alert about skin protection: Its best to avoid the exposure of direct sun after the first few days of any cosmetic procedure. If you still happen to go out, make sure to put on a sunscreen that blocks the alpha and beta rays of the sun. Any sunscreen with an SPF 30 or 40 will do while a lotion with an SPF higher than this tends to block the pores. So it is a best strategy to stay away from them.
  2. Let your wounds take time to heal: After your surgical procedure, there would definitely be a temptation at picking and peeling your dead skin. As a precaution, let your wounds heal and keep away your hands from the wounds in order to avoid any infection. This will not only avert any disease but will also cause you to recover faster.
  3. Baby your Skin: After your procedure, make sure to really baby your skin to avoid any discoloration. Use only very mild, non-soap cleansers and other hypoallergenic products as well as fragrance free moisturizers for best results and care for your skin.
  4. Don’t forget to hydrate: No matter whether it is a minor or a major procedure, make sure you have at least 6-8 glasses of water every day in order to rejuvenate and flush out toxins from your skin and system.

Recovery after Microdermabrasion and Other Skin Resurfacing Treatments

With the advancement in surgical procedures and lower and lower costs involved, more and more people are opting for easy and quick processes like microdermabrasion. Such procedures not only demand less time but also saves a lot of money. Thus, it is a win-win situation for women going for it.

But nevertheless, proper care and attention is needed in any case. You need to protect yourself from sun, otherwise too much exposure can lead to slight hyperpigmentation.

But after-process care time has been reduced to as low as 48 hours. It is similar to the care you need after a mild chemical peel. After the span of 48 hours, you can start using your anti-aging factors or exfoliates. Mild cleansing as well moisturizing are very important after all kinds of skin-resurfacing treatments.

If you feel like peeling off that skin which is irritating you, then it is recommended to use a moisturizing lotion or some warm wet cloth to gently massage your skin, otherwise you might end up damaging it.

Resurfacing procedures might result in too much pigmentation, thus in any case consult your doctor before trying out any medication

Post Cosmetic Surgery: Eyelifts, Facelifts and Rhinoplasty

In any case, taking care of your skin is much more complex and trivial process after an invasive surgery than less intrusive and simple procedures, because in case of former one needs to take care of wounds, any associated swelling or need to closely monitor and attend the recovery process.

To keep the swelling in check or to minimize it, physicians advice using ice or other cold compressors, especially within the first week of the cosmetic procedure. Also sleeping your head above your chest while sleeping overnight will also help you to avoid swelling.

If there is bruising, one must take the advice of doctor that if they can take Arnica montana which is a herbal supplement that helps reduce discoloration or bruising.

Post Cosmetic Surgery: Eyelifts, Facelifts and Rhinoplasty continued…

No matter how much your face sores after any cosmetic procedure, it is important to keep cleansing to assist it in healing or avoiding building up any pores which might influence any breakouts. Washing the area with gentle astringent pads will help clear any sore area without applying any pressure. After this, make sure to put on a gentle, a comedogenic moisturizer.

The thumb rule is to keep the skin clean and moist at all times for the best recovery process.

Tips for Makeup after any Cosmetic Procedure

You can resume your make up after any non-invasive, non-surgical procedure, just within the few days. However, in case of deep and complicated procedures, it is essential to wait till the time your top-most layer of your skin (epidermis) has fully recovered. However, if you have made up your mind to use makeup, the following tips will be helpful:

  1. Go for mineral based make ups. Many make up companies have started manufacturing mineral based products that are mild on your skin and also provide a comprehensive coverage.
  2. If your skin has any red or purple bruising marks, then using the green color base will help you to even out the hues and furnish you a balanced looking skin tone. You can top this base with powder, which is one tone darker than what you normally use for the best outcome.

The need to cleanse your skin for overnight cannot be overemphasized and this becomes even more important after any cosmetic procedure. Make sure to wash your makeup each night using a gentle, non-soap cleanser.

[Find more details on Cosmetic surgery in India at affordable cost]

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Chin Implants are the ‘Next Big Things’ in Cosmetic Surgery

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