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Thyroid Causes and Symptoms including its Treatment

by Rishabh

Sitting lower in the front of the neck is a butterfly-shaped gland called Thyroid. It is responsible for regulating hormones that produce metabolism. Our vital body functions like breathing, heartbeat, digestive system, menstrual cycle, and much more are regulated by thyroid hormones.

In the Lehman sentence, the Thyroid is responsible for providing energy to every human body organ. When the thyroid hormones are inadequate, your overall body function gets disturbed, and thus, several kinds of medical problems arise.

Sometimes, the human body makes too many thyroid hormones, and in medical terms, it is referred to as Hyperthyroidism. While when the body produces minimal thyroid hormones, it is referred to as Hypothyroidism.

Moreover, you can’t tell and point out what kind of thyroid you’ve been occupied with unless you consult with an endocrinologist who consults thyroid-related problems. There is nothing to be fret about having thyroid problems because it is a quite common disease but could be treated with simple, safe, and effective treatment nowadays.

Here is everything you need to know about thyroid, including causes or reasons, symptoms, and its treatment. Scroll on!!

Thyroid Treatment

Causes of Thyroid – Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism: Scientific Reasons Revealed

Mainly, there are two types of thyroid – Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism. Any of these two types of thyroid could happen to anyone depending upon how your thyroid gland is currency working.

Causes of Hypothyroidism

Thyroiditis: Talking of Hypothyroidism, it is caused by Thyroiditis. It is the condition when the thyroid gland gets swollen. This type of condition can lower down the number of hormones produced by your thyroid gland. It is a pretty common condition in adults above 60 and mostly women.

Hashimoto Thyroiditis: This is an inherited condition where your thyroid gets attacked by the body cell. Hashimoto Thyroiditis is an auto-immune disorder that causes chronic thyroid inflammation, which is responsible for reducing the function of the thyroid gland.

Iodine Deficiency: When your body’s iodine level falls, chances are high that you may get affected with Hypothyroidism. One must have an adequate amount of Iodine in their body because iodine is responsible for producing thyroid hormones.

A Non Functional Thyroid Gland: There have been cases reported across the world that a few of the thyroid glands have working problems since birth. Statistically, 1 in 4,000 (approx.) Newborns are affected by non-functional thyroid glands. However, the problem could be treated on time. And if not treated on time, the child may develop physical and mental problems. And that is why kids born at the hospital undergo screening blood tests to review the thyroid function.

Causes of Hyperthyroidism

Grave’s Disease: This condition makes the entire thyroid gland overactive, which produces hormones in abundance. In short, your thyroid glands get enlarged and are often associated with family medical history. Grave’s Disease is also an immune system disorder where thyroid hormones get overproduced. It is one of the most common causes of hyperthyroidism.

Nodules: Nodules that are overactive with the thyroid cause Hyperthyroidism. Out of the other nodules, the single nodule is called an autonomously functioning thyroid nodule.

Thyroiditis: Well, it is a painful disorder and is hard to detect at home. When a person has thyroiditis, the stored hormones are released by the thyroid. If not treated on time upon the doctor’s consultation, the result can get worse.

Iodine in Abundance: When a person has excessive iodine in his body, or the body develops it, the thyroid starts making excessive iodine hormones that it is actually required. You could find excessive iodine in a few of the heart disease-related medications and cough syrups.

What Are the Symptoms of Thyroid: Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism: The symptoms and hypothyroidism, although they are not easy to detect, could still find its symptoms upon carefully observing the overall health condition. Fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, less sweating, constipation, dry skin, and excessive headache are the most commonly found symptoms of hypothyroidism. Also, the symptoms of hypothyroidism in women could easily be identified with menstrual cycle disbalance. The symptoms are easily identifiable with age increasing.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism: The most commonly found symptoms of hyperthyroidism include elevated blood pressure, rapid heartbeat rate, trembling of hands, weight loss, and hair loss. In women, breast problems and menstrual cycle disbalance are the frequently found symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Treatment of Thyroid: Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

Treatment of Hypothyroidism: Its treatment includes supplementing the thyroid hormones. T4 is a synthetic human-made thyroid hormone that you have to take as a pill prescribed by a certified medical professional. However, the dosage of the pill will be decided by the doctor after reviewing your blood report and the presence of the thyroid hormone levels. Moreover, dietary changes sometimes play a crucial role. When you take a completely balanced diet enriched with fiber, your iodine intake gets balanced, which is pretty good and is considered one of the safest home remedies for hypothyroidism.

Treatment of Hyperthyroidism: Well, radioactive iodine is the most widely recommended treatment for hyperthyroidism. Along with this, antithyroid medications are another commonly used treatment of hyperthyroidism. Moreover, surgery is the last option suggested by the doctors when the part of your thyroid gland is removed.

Important Things to Know About the Surgical Treatments of Thyroid

Thyroidectomy Treatment: It is a surgical procedure in which all the parts of the thyroid glands are removed. It is carried out to stop the effect and risk of thyroid cancer by removing nodules and goiters. One must consult with the certified endocrinologist before taking any medication or undergoing treatment. However, thyroidectomy treatment is the permanent solution for thyroid problems, but still, certain risk factors are there. Therefore, an expert’s consultation is a must.

Thyroplasty Treatment: It is another surgical treatment for the thyroid, which is carried out to improve the voice of the patients and their ability to cough. In Thyroplasty surgery, surgeons change the position of the vocal cords under the effect of local anesthesia in the operation room. The incision in the neck is the next step by the surgeons to adjust the vocal fold position by inserting an implant to keep it in place. Then the vocal strength of the patient is gauged when the doctor asks the patient to speak. In order to choose the best position for vocal cord placement, several vocal fold positions are taken into consideration.

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