COVID-19 : Travel Advisory and Policies

Medical India Tourism is committed to your health and safety in these unusual times. During this Pandemic of Coronavirus, the following steps have been taken to ensure COVID free medical tourism for our esteemed guests. We have utilized this lockdown to train our staff and closely worked with our partners to enforce safety standards that will ensure the hygiene and well-being of our guest who come to India for medical treatments.

Everyone you speak to at Medical India Tourism is a trained professional to follow the highest safety standards and hygiene protocols. They have been trained to handle all your concerns to give you a carefree and safe India tour.

  • While it is issued by WHO and most other countries that we will have to learn to live with COVID, Medical India Tourism Consultants shall recommend the best places to travel in India for your medical treatment, which are COVID safe.
  • Medical India tourism has tied up with the top hospital chains in India and we have closely worked with our partners to enforce safety standards that will ensure the hygiene and well-being of the guests.
  • We have researched thoroughly before recommending to the patients’ specific hotels that follow safety and hygiene standards.
  • Everyone involved in patient handling will be thoroughly thermal scanned for illness.
  • Safety kits which will include a face mask and sanitizer will be kept in the vehicles and shall be provided to you upon request.
  • Our safety measures start with picking up the patient and his family from the airport. We ensure to follow all the measures during hospital visits and treatment. It will be taken care of till the last day of your Medical tour to India.
  • All our tourist vehicles will be thoroughly sanitized before and after each trip. The safety and wellbeing of chauffeurs & guests are our utmost priority.
  • When you choose to travel with us, our services across India continue to be the best and safest option, even more so now than ever. Each of our partner offices has been guided and trained on the new health & safety measures that are being implemented by Medical India Tourism for its guests.
  • To know about the latest updates on travel and visa or for any enquiries, Click here.